Thursday, May 29, 2014

Activity 3.1.7 Robo Pro: Machine Control Design

This section of Robo Pro tasked us to create two different machines that did different things. The two machines that we created were the Cookie Dropper,
Problem 7: Chocolate Cookie Topper (Hardware Level 4 Software Level 2) 
A cookie factory needs your team to design a device that will put a chocolate drop 
on top of their peanut butter cookies. The machine must position a cookie on a 
separate device that will then move it into position for a dropper to descend and 
dispense the chocolate drop. The cookie with the chocolate drop should then move 
to another position where it will be placed with other finished cookies to await 
inspection and packaging. 

and the Delivery Control Vehicle
Problem 3: Delivery Vehicle Control (Hardware Level 2 Software Level 4)
An assembly plant would like for your team to design a vehicle to drive in a straight
line back and forth to deliver batches of parts. The vehicle must travel back and forth
based on input from a potentiometer. For safety reasons you must include an
emergency shutoff in case the vehicle travels too far in either direction.

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