Friday, February 21, 2014

Lego Mindstorm Tug a War

This week in engineering we had a challenge to make a car out of Lego Mindstorm pieces to compete against other teams. My group was Daniel, Dylan (Baker), Dylan (Lektorich), and I. Our car ended up being able to beat Marshall's car, but could not defeat either Tommy's, or Allistair's, putting us around 3rd or 4th place in the classroom. Here are some pictures:

(Unfortunately our first iteration was taken apart so this is a replica)

+We had a driveshaft that spooled the string that helped to accelerate the game
-The spool sometimes worked against us
+The 3 wheels looked cool
-It was not heavy enough to really pull hard enough to beat many cars
+The big wheels had some good traction

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