Monday, September 30, 2013

Cardboard Canoes

In the the challenge we've been doing for the last few weeks, we had to build a boat out of cardboard and float it in the pool. Daniel, Caleb, Dylan and I formed the team "King Caleb and the Blondies" since we were all blonde besides him. Our original idea since the beginning was to tie a rope to Daniel and have him swim in front, because he was a really good swimmer. Throughout the two weeks we worked together to make designs, put it assemble, and cover the boat completely in cardboard using teamwork and leadership.

We claimed 15 achievements

Design Achievements:

  • Design the Problems and Brainstorm Experience
small v-bottom
make a duct tape casing over boat
form cardboard into long cylinders to attach to the sides for balance and flotation
flat on bottom with alot of surface area with smaller sides
weapons to use against other boats
make duct tape rope to pull across
cardboard sail
make raft
make a surfboard with walls
pointed front
life jacket
cardboard apparel
cardboard crown(chariot)
spiked sides
flames on the side to make it go faster
bicycle boat
holes to paddle out of  
  • Criteria and Constraints
• You may only use Cardboard and Duct Tape for this event.
• All Staples or other foreign material must be removed from your cardboard. If we trash the pool, we will not be invited back for other activities during the year (yes, we have other activities in mind for 2nd semester).
• Cardboard must meet our quality standard and be approved by the instructor (more info to follow)
• Each boat must have a minimum of a 3" tall "sidewall" (no completely flat designs).
• All exposed cardboard must be covered in duct tape (this will reduce cardboard disintigration in the pool).
• Each team will be provided one "versa table" cardboard box piece and three 60yrd rolls of duct tape. Any materials beyond this (likely need more cardboard) need to be resourced by your team.

Implied constraints: 
must be made in time
at least one person must accompany the boat
cannot sink in order to stay in competition

  • Surface area: 3000  inches squared, 22.5 square feet can be covered with one roll , 90 square feet can be covered with all of our duct tape, 79% of efficiency 

  • Approach:
"project Hippodrome"
Flat bottom, front of the boat is veered up for more hydro dynamics 
we are mixing all of our prototypes in one better design for flotation and speed
  • Sketch Ideas
  • Prototype Ideas

Build Achievements
  • Build It!

Test Achievements
  • The Fastest -We were first by far
  • Pac-Man Kickboards

  • Balance Master

Reflection Achievements
  • Feedback
+ The boat was very sturdy
- Some of the cardboard got soggy
+We were very fast with Daniel Pulling us
+The size of the boat made it very stable
-The sides were kind of flimsy
-Water got into the boat, but we couldn't find the holes
+The boat never sank, besides a little bit of water getting in
+The ramped front made us more hydrodynamic
-The boat looked kind of silly
-It was hard to get Caleb into it
+It had a sword
  • How Long did I go?
Our estimate is about 15 minutes. Personally, I was suprised how long our boat stayed afloat. In the end, it came apart because we crushed it by jumping on it.
  • Redesign
Our boat was pretty good, but if I could redesign it I would make stronger sidewalls.

  • I also beat Mr. Olsen in the race

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Simple Machines

     In engineering class, we went over simple machines, like the lever (first, second, and third class) and the wheel and axle system. These are the equations that went along with them, and some pictures of what we made.