Friday, January 18, 2013

Minecraft Screenshots

My underground cabin!
Complete with chimney, toggle-able lights, outside lights that turn on during the day, a stove, a fridge, and a bed!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Architectural Styles

Today in Engineering, we took notes on famous architects and their style of building. Here is what I wrote:

Luis Vanderloi

  • "less is more"
  • Minimal structure to allow more light in
S'jin Tokimatsu
  • Unusual  industrial buildings
  • "Futuristic factory look"
Andrea Poladio
  • Symmetry, clarity, used rules
  • Wrote 4 books on architecture
Eitonne Boulle
  • Greek and roman, but giant
  • Organizational, largeness, austerity
Le Corbisier
  • Rethinking conventional architecture
  • Changed uniformity
Frank Furness
  • Victorian, but bolder
  • Powerful, quirky, over sized
Frank Lloyd
  • Organic, free flowing, long overhangs
  • Used ornaments and surrounding landscape
Antoni Goudi
  • Curvy, fluid, a break from traditions
  • Based on botanical and geographical forms
Todou Anda
  • Bold, serious, thoughtful, brutal
  • Use of concrete, water, and light
Coop Hindlebrau
  • Deconstructionism, form over function
  • Jumbled and random